MetaPhilter Doc



As of MetaPhilter 1.4, the XML-RPC interface is now a core component. The method of implementation for MetaPhilter's XML-RPC support is focused on simplicity of expandability. The same system used to parse index templates creates PHP data types from XML-RPC representations.

The default entry point for any supported API is 'xml-rpc.php' located in the MetaPhilter system directory. There is a special-case URL attachment, however.

The numeric ID of a philter is appended to the entry point URL.

For instance, to access the content of Philter #2 in your database, the URL would be (assuming your MetaPhilter system path was 'mp' from the web root)

If no Philter identifier is given, MetaPhilter assumes you want to use Philter #1: always an entry point for your first Philter.